Faculty Senate letterhead with block M

 SACUA / SA Newsletter

             December 2021    

Allen Liu, Faculty Senate Chair

SACUA update: SACUA has created a working group to address faculty concerns regarding Work Connections. An update on the motion follow-up is shared here.

          SACUA reviewed and provided feedback on revision of the Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment Standard Practice Guide (SPG) 201.65-1 brought to us by the Provost Office. The SPG added new language regarding sponsored funding in response to new National Institutes of Health guidelines to increase transparency of faculty outside activities. The SPG also had some revisions on the use of university marks, logos, and address for non-university business. SACUA also discussed with guests from Academic Human Resources and Prof. Ashley Lucas about the Required Disclosure of Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions SPG 601.38 that is coming up for review/renewal February 2022. SACUA discussed and voted on charges for Rules, Practices and Policies (RPP) Senate Assembly Committee that will be looking at making recommendations on faculty senate representation for additional non-tenure track faculty members in central faculty governance. SACUA briefly discussed a tri-campus fellowship proposal that was in the works from a few years ago and rekindling interest in the Senate Assembly Committee on Fairness, Equity, and Inclusion (CFEI).
          I gave a central faculty governance update at the Regents formal meeting on December 9.
SA meeting summary: At the December SA meeting, we had President Schlissel and members of the Provost Selection and Appointment Advisory Group (Elizabeth Armstrong, Sara Blair, Geoffrey Chatas, Lynette Clemetson, Sarah Daniels, Lauren Davis, Kailana Dejoie (student), Curtiss Engstrom (student), Laurie McCauley, Michael Solomon, and myself; absent Robert Sellers). President Schlissel briefly explained the provost search process and timeline. SA members provided input on temperament and characteristics of our next provost, including having political acumen, being a community builder, supporter of faculty governance, and a good communicator, and having a commitment to and track record on transparency and DEI/social justice.      
            Following the visit, SA discussed the rationale of President Schlissel chairing the Provost Selection and Appointment Advisory Group and a motion was brought forward and voted on. The SA resolution reads "The Senate Assembly respectfully suggests that the Provost Search Committee should be chaired by a UM faculty member or a member of the administration who is not currently employed at the Office of the President", and it was passed with 25 Yes, 12 No and 4 abstentions.  
            Senate Assembly also voted to approve the Davis, Market, Nickerson (DMN) Academic Freedom Lecture committee charge revision and charges for the RPP committee. Development Advisory Committee (DAC) Chair Robert Ziff visited SACUA to provide an update and gather potential topic ideas for DAC.
SA looking ahead: In January, I will invite guests from Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX (ECRT) office to SA to continue the conversation on addressing sexual and gender-based misconduct. The ECRT staff will also explain the new functions/roles the office has from the previous Office of Institutional Equity. SA will hear updates from Senate Assembly committee chairs from Committee on Oversight of Administrative Action (COAA), Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Committee on Fairness, Equity, and Inclusion (CFEI).
Lastly, I want to wish you all a healthy, relaxing, and joyful holiday season. If you are traveling internationally during the break or in the upcoming term, please be aware of the guidance and tips from the university. Have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year. See you in 2022.
Please feel free to reach out to your SA representatives if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback! The roster is available on the Faculty Senate Office website.