As a first step of moving the senate restructuring discussion to a vote, the Senate Assembly voted on February 9th regarding which groups to continue considering this Winter term within the Senate Assembly. Senate Assembly members voted on the following question: Shall the following be considered this term in possible restructuring proposals to be drafted by SACUA, provided that they are non-adjunct employees at U-M with a 50% or greater appointment in the listed position?
Based on that vote, the groups that are under consideration this term include assistant, associate, and full clinical professors (59.1% SA approval), and archivists and curators (62.5% SA approval). Also based on that vote, the Senate Assembly will not be considering this term Clinical Instructors and Clinical Lecturers (73.5% disapproval) or Lecturers (57.1% disapproval).
For the groups under consideration, SACUA and the Senate Assembly have been discussing a range of possible options, which may or may not involve expanding the Senate.
The Senate Assembly voting results can be found here.