2024 Lecture


Judith Butler


More information coming soon…

Lectures from 2001-2023


Jonathan Friedman

Director of Free Expression and Education Programs
PEN America

Academic Freedom 2024: Educational Gag Orders, State Censorship, and the Fight for Higher Education


Hank F. Reichman

AAUP Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure
Chair, AAUP Foundation
Professor Emeritus of History
California State University, East Bay

“Do Adjuncts Have Academic Freedom? Why Tenure Matters”


Marc Rotenberg

President and CEO
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Professor of Law
Georgetown Law

The Misunderstood Right to be Forgotten: The Future of Free Expression and Privacy in the Online World


Jamelle Bouie

New York Times
Political Analyst
CBS News

Revisiting Du Bois and ‘The Propaganda of History’”


Gene Nicol

Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor
University of North Carolina

Academic Freedom: New Politics, Old School Censorship and Meaningful Constitutional Review


Natalie Zemon

Davis Henry & Charles Lea Professor of History Emerita Adjunct Professor of History and Medieval Studies Senior Fellow in the Centre for Comparative Literature University of Toronto

Experiencing Exclusion: Scholarship in the Wake of Inquisition


Dima Khalidi

Palestine Legal


A New McCarthyism? Academic Freedom and Palestine


Michael Mann

Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science
Pennsylvania State University

“The Madhouse Effect: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump”


Douglas Laycock

Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
Professor of Religious Studies
University of Virginia School of Law

“Religious Liberty and the Culture Wars”



Nadje S. Al-Ali

Robert Family Professor of International Studies
Professor of Anthropology and Middle East Studies
Brown University

Susan Benesch

Faculty Associate
Harvard University
Adjunct Professor
American University
Director, Dangerous Speech Project

Michael Bérubé

Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature
Pennsylvania State University

Melanie Tanielian

Associate Professor
History, University of Michigan

Panel Discussion: “Challenges to Academic Freedom in a Changing Landscape, at Home and Abroad”


Marjorie Heins

Founding Director of the Free Expression Policy Project

Priests of Our Democracy: The Supreme Court, Academic Freedom and the Anti-Communist Purge


Philip Hamburger

Maurice & Hilda Friedman Professor of Law
Columbia University School of Law

Galileo’s Ghost: Seventeenth-Century Censorship in Twenty- First-Century America

Floyd Abrams

Walter J. Brennan, Jr. Visiting Professor of First Amendment Law
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
Partner, Cahill Gordon & Reindel

Whose Academic Freedom?


Vartan Gregorian

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Universities in the 21st Century: Perils, Challenges, and Prospects



Robert C. Post

Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law
Yale Law School

The Constitutional Meaning of Academic Freedom

Cass R. Sunstein

Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law
Harvard Law School

My University.com, My Government.com: Is the Internet Really a Blessing for Democracy?

Noam Chomsky

Professor of Linguistics and Philosophy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Illegal but Legitimate: A Dubious Doctrine for the Times



Ellen W. Schrecker

Professor of History
Yeshiva University

The Lost Soul of Higher Education

Nadine Strossen 

Professor of Law
New York Law School
President of the American Civil Liberties Union

Defending Freedom: Even for the Thoughts We Hate!

David D. Cole

Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center

Freedom and Terror: September 11th and the 21st Century Challenge



Michael A. Olivas

William B. Bates Distinguished Chair in Law
University of Houston Law Center

God, Grades, and Sex: The Developing Law of the College Classroom

Bill Keller

Executive Editor, The New York Times

Editors in Chains: Secrets, Security and the Press

Catharine A. MacKinnon

Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School

From Powerlessness to Power: The Uses of Academic Freedom


Lectures from 1991- 2000

Anthony Lewis
Journalist, New York Times
James Madison Visiting Professor
Columbia University

“Freedom: The Seamless Web”

David A. Hollinger
Chancellor’s Professor of History
University of California at Berkeley

“Universities and Cosmopolitanism”

Eugene L. Roberts, Jr.
Professor of Journalism
University of Maryland – College Park

“Free Speech, Free Press: Free Society”

Roger Wood Wilkins
Clarence J. Robinson Professor of History and American Culture
George Mason University

“Opportunity and Academic Integrity”

Avern Cohn
United States District Judge Eastern District of Michigan

“Academic Freedom: A Trial Judge’s View”

Linda Ray Pratt
Professor of English
University of Nebraska- Lincoln and
Past-President, AAUP

“Academic Freedom and the Merits of Uncertainty”

Walter P. Metzger
Emeritus Professor of History
Columbia University

“A Walk Along the New Frontiers of Academic Freedom”

Catharine R. Stimpson
University Professor and Dean of the Graduate School
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

“Dirty Minds, Dirty Bodies, Clean Speech”

Lee C. Bollinger
Dean and Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School

“The Open-Minded Soldier and the University”

Robert M. O’Neil
Professor of Law and Founding Director
Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression

University of Virginia
“Inaugural Lecture”