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Other university committees with nominated or appointed members approved by SACUA:

Advisory Board for Intercollegiate Athletics (ABIA)

The ABIA is an internal University board constituted to advise the University’s Director of Athletics. Faculty members of the ABIA also serve on the Academic Performance Committee (APC), which is an advisory body to the Provost and is charged with the review and evaluation of student-athlete academic performance. This committee is formed in accordance with Regent’s bylaw 11.58.

University of Michigan Police Department Oversight Committee (PDOC)

The University of Michigan Police Department Oversight Committee is an oversight committee for the University of Michigan Police Department created under the authority of Act 120 of the Public Acts of 1990 of the State of Michigan.

The function of the Committee is to comply with Act 120 and consider grievances by persons against police officers or the Police Department. The Committee may prepare and make recommendations concerning such grievances to the Executive Director, Division of Public Safety and Security, including recommendations for disciplinary measures against a police officer who was found responsible for misconduct in office. The six-member committee is comprised of two student members, two faculty members (one Senate faculty and one non-Senate faculty), and two staff members (one union and one non-union), who are nominated and elected by their peers for two-year terms.

Honorary Degree Committee

The Honorary Degree Committee receives nominations and recommends recipients for honorary degrees. The dean of the Rackham Graduate School chairs the committee; faculty members representing the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses, students and alumni are appointed by the Board of Regents on the recommendation of the president. The president and several executive officers serve ex-officio.

Library Council

The Library Council serves in an advisory capacity to the dean. The council provides an opportunity for faculty and students to learn how the library supports the work of the university, and for the library to learn from campus about current and future needs for resources and services. This committee is formed in accordance with Regent’s bylaw 12.01.

Military Officer Education Committee

The Military Officer Education Committee shall advise the president regarding curriculum, appointments, promotions, budgets, and the relationships between the Military Officer Education Programs and the schools and colleges of the university. This committee is formed in accordance with Regent’s bylaw 13.03.

Residency Appeal Committee

The Board of Regents has charged the Appeal Committee with reviewing decisions about eligibility for in-state tuition. The Appeal Committee is chaired by the Vice President and Secretary of the University and includes two other University administrators, a faculty member, and a student. The staff of the Residency Classification Office is not members of the Appeal Committee.

Standing Judicial Committee

Members of this committee will be appointed to be available to serve as needed on the Hearing Committee when a faculty member, who is undergoing dismissal procedures pursuant to Bylaw 5.09, requests a hearing. When a hearing is requested, SACUA is responsible for appointing three tenured faculty members at rank or above rank of the affected faculty member from the Standing Judicial Committee to serve on the Hearing Committee.