Faculty Senate
Central Faculty Governance provides the opportunity for members of the Faculty Senate to voice their opinions concerning challenges that impact faculty and to contribute to efforts to address these challenges. While each school and college has its own governance structures, Central Faculty Governance allows faculty to leverage the combined voices of over 7,600 Faculty Senate members from all three campuses.
The following are automatically members of the Faculty Senate:
- All tenured and tenure-track faculty;
- Research-track faculty who have a full-time appointment as a Research Scientist (Assistant, Associate, or Full) or Research Professor (Assistant, Associate, or Full);
- Faculty who have a regular, primary appointment of at least 50% as a Librarian, Archivist, or Curator of any rank;
- Faculty who have a regular, primary appointment of at least 50% as a Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Lecturer III, or Lecturer IV;
- Clinical Faculty who have a regular, primary appointment of at least 50% as a Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, or Clinical Professor;
- The executive officers of the University; and
- The dean of each school or college.
Senate Rules
The Faculty Senate is governed by the rules available here.
What is the role of a Faculty Senate member?
Faculty Senate members:
- Attend Faculty Senate meetings when scheduled.
- Provide input on issues of university concern when requested.
- Communicate issues to the Faculty Senate Chair or Faculty Senate Office.
The Faculty Senate sponsors the annual Davis, Market, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom. Please visit the lecture web page for details.
We want to hear from you
Your input is important to us. If you have questions about Central Faculty Governance, about participating, or if you have questions or concerns about a specific topic, please contact us. The Faculty Senate Office will get back to you within twenty-four business hours.