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University Senate Meeting

November 4, 2024, 3:15 – 5:00pm

Location: University Hall, Ruthven Bldg., Rm. 2000 and Zoom

This annual meeting (hybrid) is open for all ~7,600 members of the Faculty Senate to participate. The full Faculty Senate generally only meets once per year.
The vote results for the four considered motions can be found here
Note: “University Senate” and “Faculty Senate” are two terms often used for the same body: the total membership of ~7,600 faculty automatically included in the Senate as a consequence of their faculty appointment. More information about membership is available on our Faculty Senate page.





2024 Meeting Materials Overview

This document contains all minutes, motions, and available speaker remarks and slides for the 2024 Faculty Senate Meeting. For information about procedures, speakers and voting, please read the information below. 




Meeting Registration

In-Person Attendance: Please Register Here
If you attend in person, please bring a laptop or smartphone that can permit you to vote through a web browser at There may be procedural motions that you will be invited to vote on, during the meeting.


Zoom (Webinar):

University Senate Meetings are open to the public.




Pursuant to University Senate rules, the deadline for faculty member submissions of motions or resolutions for consideration was October 21st. Four motions were submitted on time. A meeting agenda with the motions is available here and below.


Speaking For or Against Motions 

If you would like to speak for or against any of the motions, please request an opportunity to speak using this form by Friday, November 1 at 12:00 pm indicating which motion you would like to speak for/against. We ask that each speaker limit your comments to one and a half minutes due to time constraints. Slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

If you don’t want to sign up to be a speaker, but you are a Faculty Senate member who is may participate in the general discussion of the motions and you want your video to be seen, please use this form by Friday, November 1 at 12:00 pm. We will then add you to the list of Zoom “panelists” so that your video can be shared. You will still be able to speak if you attend virtually without being a panelist, but your video will not be seen. To ensure that everyone at the meeting (Zoom and in-person) has equal access to comments, there will not be Zoom chat.




Submitting Written and Video Remarks on the Motions

Immediately following the meeting, written comments on the motions may be submitted using this Google form until 5pm on November 5th. All written comments will be publicly available through a Google sheet. Video responses may be emailed to the Faculty Senate Office ( Any recorded video statements will be added to a publicly available Google folder.


Voting on Motions

Please note that electronic voting on the motions will commence after the meeting at 5:00 pm. When the ballot opens, all Faculty Senate members will be emailed an invitation to vote at Voting will remain open for 72 hours until Thursday, November 7, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting Agenda



Action Item


Come to Order, Minutes and Announcements


Senate Secretary and Senate Parliamentarian Elections

Senate Parliamentarian Slate

  • Sun-Yung Bak, Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry
  • Deirdre Spencer, Librarian, Library Research – Arts and Humanities, University Library

More information about the Parliamentarian candidates is available here.

Senate Secretary Slate

No interested and available candidates are running, so this election will be postponed until the winter term.

Electronic Voting on the Parliamentarian Election Starts at 5:00 pm (Open for 72 hours)


Motion 1: Call to Pause Implementation of the Revised Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • Order of Discussion
    • Sponsor
      • Derek Peterson, Ali Mazrui Collegiate Professor of History and African Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
    • Speaking for the motion
      • Marita Inglehart, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor, Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry
      • Carina Ray, A M and H P Bentley Professor of History, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
    • Speaking against the motion
      • Tom Braun, Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health
    • Open Discussion

Motion 2: Motion on the Creation and Review of SPGs

  • Order of Discussion
    • Sponsor:
      • Emmanuelle Marquis, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
    • Speaking for the motion
      • Jordan Siegel, Professor of Strategy, Stephen M Ross School of Business
      • Parag Patil, Associate Professor, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Anesthesiology, and Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering and Medical School
    • Open Discussion

Motion 3: Motion to Censure the University of Michigan Regents

  • Order of Discussion
    • Sponsor:
      • Kentaro Toyama, W K Kellogg Professor of Community Information, School of Information
    • Speaking for the motion
      • Stephen Ward, Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
      • Julie Boland, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
    • Speaking against the motion
      • Tom Braun, Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health
    • Open Discussion

Motion 4: Motion on Accountability for the Handling of Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination at the University

  • Order of Discussion
    • Sponsor:
      • Jordan Siegel, Professor of Strategy, Stephen M Ross School of Business
    • Speaking for the motion
      • Bruno Giordani, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Psychology, Medical School and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
      • Emmanuelle Marquis, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
    • Open Discussion
Electronic Voting Starts at 5:00 pm (Open for 72 hours)
4:45 Matters Arising
5:00 Adjourn

Tech Assistance

If you have difficult joining the Zoom webinar or otherwise are in need of technical assistance, please contact us using the following email:



We aim to make Faculty Senate meetings accessible to all participants. This meeting will include human-generated live transcription for virtual attendees and American Sign Language interpreters in the room. If you anticipate needing accommodations to participate, please notify with as much notice as possible.