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The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) is conducting a Faculty Senate Survey for Fall Semester Instructional Planning, which will run from June 25 through July 2. Faculty Senate members are encouraged to provide their input to inform the implementation of fall planning activities, and to express how a public-health informed in-residence fall semester may impact them. Feedback will be shared anonymously with the President’s office and with the Interim Provost’s office in anticipation of a scheduled virtual Faculty Senate Town Hall that will take place from 3:00 to 4:30 on Friday, July 8. Both President Schlissel and Interim Provost Susan Collins will provide updates about fall planning activities, and they will field questions from Faculty Senate members. A link to the Faculty Senate survey was sent to all Faculty Senate members via email. If you would like to receive a link to the survey and you are a Faculty Senate member, please contact the Faculty Senate Office for assistance.