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Vote Results

On May 28th, the University Senate concluded voting on an Amendment to Include Lecturers to revise the proposed Senate expansion resolution

The Amendment passed, with ~61% voting in the affirmative, ~39% voting in the negative, and ~2% abstaining. The official voting results are here


Upcoming Vote on Senate Expansion Resolution, as Revised

Pursuant to the approved amendment, the Senate expansion resolution has been revised and is available here. The resolution is now entitled “Senate Expansion to Admit Clinical Professors, Lecturers, Archivists, and Curators.”

The University Senate will begin voting on this revised Senate expansion resolution tomorrow, May 31st, at 8:00 am. Voting will conclude on June 3rd at 8:00 am. The results of the vote will be reported on Monday, June 5th. 

When the ballot opens, all eligible voters will receive an email reminder to vote sent to their email addresses. That email will provide the following link to vote electronically: