Senate Assembly

The University of Michigan Senate Assembly consists of 77 elected faculty members from the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses, each serving a three-year term to represent the interests and concerns of faculty throughout the University of Michigan system. Elections of Senate Assembly members are held by individual schools and colleges. Senate Assembly seats are apportioned by a formula that is re-evaluated every three years. The current formula provides for the current number of seats available for each school or college. Schools and colleges manage their own elections to choose Faculty Senate members to serve on Senate Assembly.
Senate Assembly Representatives
Albert Shih
College of Engineering
2024-2027 -
Brian Love
College of Engineering
2022-2025 -
Carolyn Kuranz
College of Engineering
2022-2025 -
Jesse Capecelatro
College of Engineering
2023-2026 -
L. Jay Guo
College of Engineering
2024-2027 -
Robert Ziff
College of Engineering
2023-2025 -
Zetian Mi
College of Engineering
2024-2027 -
Aileen Renee Das
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2022-2025 -
Brendan Haug
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2023-2026 -
Brian Stewart
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2024-2027 -
Charlotte Karem Albrecht
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2024-2027 -
Ingrid L Hendy
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2022-2025 -
Jason Young
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2023-2026 -
Jonathan R Brennan
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2022-2025 -
Paul Zimmerman
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2023-2026 -
Pauline Jones
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2024-2027 -
Susan Najita
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2024-2027 -
William Calvo-Quiros
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2023-2026 -
Yihe Huang
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
2023-2026 -
Ashootosh Tripathi
College of Pharmacy
2024-2026 -
Corey Lester
College of Pharmacy
2023-2025 -
Dean Yang
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
2023-2026 (on leave 2024-2025) -
Joshua Hausman
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
2024-2027 -
Joy Rohde
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
2024-2025 (Alternate for Dean Yang) -
Craig Smith
Librarians, Archivists, and Curators
2024-2027 -
Jessica Pasquale
Librarians, Archivists, and Curators
2022-2025 -
Meghan Courtney
Librarians, Archivists, and Curators
2023-2026 -
Elizabeth Keren-Kolb
Marsal Family School of Education
2024-2027 (on temporary leave from the Senate Assembly until fall 2025) -
Andre Monteiro Da Rocha
Medical School
2022-2025 -
Caren Goldberg
Medical School
2024-2027 -
Daniel H Drake
Medical School
2022-2025 -
Elizabeth Viglianti
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Gary D Hammer
Medical School
2022-2025 -
Helen J. Burgess
Medical School
2023-2026 -
J. Sybil Biermann
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Jayapalli Bapuraj
Medical School
2024-2027 -
Karin M Muraszko
Medical School
2022-2025 -
Lauren B. Smith
Medical School
2024-2027 -
Mukesh Nyati
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Phillip Lee Palmbos
Medical School
2022-2025 -
R. Keith Duncan
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Sarah Hawley
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Shahzad Mian
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Yaqing Zhang
Medical School
2022-2025 -
Yongqing Li
Medical School
2023-2026 -
Ed Fox
Michigan Law
2024-2027 -
Leah Litman
Michigan Law
2024-2027 -
Shaké Ketefian
Retiree (without vote)
Professor Emerita of Nursing, School of Nursing -
Suzanne Selig
Retiree (without vote)
Professor Emerita of Public Health and Health Sciences, UM-Flint -
Brad Killaly
Ross School of Business
2024-2027 -
John Branch
Ross School of Business
2024-2025 (Alternate for Stefanus Jasin) -
Stefanus Jasin
Ross School of Business
2023-2026 (on leave 2024-2025) -
Alex Yasha Yi
By Virtue -
Deirdre Spencer, Senate Parliamentarian
Ex Officio and Without Vote -
Derek Peterson
By Virtue -
Heather O’Malley, Vice Chair
By Virtue -
Melanie Tanielian
By Virtue -
Rebekah Modrak, Chair
By Virtue -
Simon Cushing
By Virtue -
Soumya Rangarajan
By Virtue -
Vilma M. Mesa
By Virtue -
Rogerio Castilho
School of Dentistry
2023-2026 -
Theodora Danciu
School of Dentistry
2024-2027 -
Ivette Perfecto
School of Environment & Sustainability
2024-2027 -
Johannes Foufopoulos
School of Environment & Sustainability
2023-2026 -
James Rampton
School of Information
2023-2026 -
Kentaro Toyama
School of Information
2023-2026 -
Amy I-Lin Cheng
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
2023-2026 -
Charles Lwanga
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
2024-2027 -
Jade Burns
School of Nursing
2023-2026 -
Sue Anne Bell
School of Nursing
2023-2026 -
Jon Zelner
School of Public Health
2024-2027 -
Mousumi Banerjee
School of Public Health
2024-2027 -
Justin D. Hodge
School of Social Work
2024-2027 -
Terri Friedline
School of Social Work
2023-2026 -
Deepa Butoliya
Stamps School of Art & Design
2023-2026 -
Holly Hughes
Stamps School of Art & Design
2024-2027 -
Craig Wilkins
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
2022-2025 -
Mojtaba Navvab
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
2022-2025 -
Harmony Reppond
2022-2025 -
Khalid Kattan
winter 2025 (Alternate for Yi-Su Chen) -
Pamela Pennock
2023-2026 -
Wessam Elmeligi
2023-2026 -
Yi-Su Chen
2024-2027 (on leave, winter 2025) -
Christina Aplin-Snider
2023-2026 -
Kim Saks
2023-2026 -
Mark Allison
What is the role of a Senate Assembly member?
Senate Assembly members:
- Solicit input from the colleges/schools/units about issues that impact faculty
- Share information and provide updates to colleges/schools/units
- Represent the interests of Faculty Senate members in their schools/colleges/units
Senate Assembly Agendas + Minutes + Archived Minutes
Actions of the Senate Assembly
Upcoming Meetings
Senate Assembly meetings are open to the public. If you wish to attend a meeting that is held in person, you may attend by checking in at the meeting venue and providing your name and affiliation. To access a meeting virtually, please contact the Faculty Senate Office by noon on the day of the meeting. After providing your name, email address, and affiliation, the Faculty Senate Office will provide the information needed to access the meeting electronically.
We want to hear from you
Your input is important to us. If you have questions about Central Faculty Governance, about participating, or if you have questions or concerns about a specific topic, please contact us. The Faculty Senate Office will get back to you within twenty-four business hours.